Summer Lessons 25 Jul, 2014 My summer is nearly done. In a matter of days I’ll pack suitcases, gather passports and make my way home in time for the first day of… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
My son’s birthright 07 Jul, 2014 This past Friday our small family piled into our car and drove to Bubanza. We celebrated the completion of the first academic year of Kwizera Academy, a… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
This Writers Life 04 Jul, 2014 My friend and fellow writing group partner, Christiana Peterson, invited me to share some thoughts on my current writing projects and writing process. How could I not… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
The Adopted One 10 Dec, 2013 This past November I was invited to share at The Simply Jesus Gathering in Denver, CO. The mandate was simple – share something you are currently discovering… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
{ Deeper Story: Our Gratitude } 25 Nov, 2013 We brought her home when she was eighteen months old. It felt like we snatched her from death and disease, from a life defined by a hospice… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
I am from… 24 Sep, 2013 I am from an immaculate house, heady with ammonia and lemon. I am from a room with eyelet bed skirts, piles of ruffled pillows and the daily… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
{ ShePonders: Fearfully & Wonderfully Made } 03 Sep, 2013 I scribbled the word abortion with my teen-age cursive in my Study Bible. My youth pastor told us that Psalm 139 proved that God made us, knew… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
adoption: a free write 10 Jun, 2013 I am from the company of the adopted, once relinquished but swiftly redeemed and daily resurrected by the care of a father and compassion of a mother.… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
War Photographer: Tandem Stories 25 Apr, 2013 While I haven’t birthed my children, I’ve birthed their stories. In the early days our adoption tale felt legendary, laced with Spirit-whispered promises and just in a… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
{ Deeper Story: Birth Mother } 25 Feb, 2013 Today my son asked me about his birth mother – again. Why couldn’t she keep him? When you adopt, you must be all kinds of strong, tender… Share:FacebookTwitteremail