{ Spirit of the Poor: The Big Rest } 31 Jul, 2014 Recently I’ve been considering the poverty of our discipleship. It all began when I stumbled over the word discipleship in my Twitter feed one afternoon. I recognized… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
Finding Sabbath (a poem) 22 Jul, 2014 I Sabbath in quiet, in the late, dark night on the edges of Sunday buried in the pages of a book maybe savoring the sun-sweet bowl of… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
Rest, Resistance & Recovery 01 May, 2014 Seth Haines and I met through the Deeper Story family, where he is both contributor and Deeper Church editor. Seth’s hallmark is honesty and raw truth-telling. He is… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
Sabbath as Remembering 30 Apr, 2014 Matt Orth is an encourager par excellence. We both write. We both know what it is to wrestle with a sentence, refusing to let go without the blessing… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
Give it a Rest 29 Apr, 2014 This is our Week with Walter in the Transit Lounge. From the various places in our lives we’ve been reading a book penned by Walter Brueggemann together.… Share:FacebookTwitteremail
When Rest is a Portal to the Spirit 28 Apr, 2014 Esther Emery is a story-teller, a provocative rebel, a radical of the best sort echoing the prophets of old. The prophet that comes to mind is Miriam.… Share:FacebookTwitteremail