{ Spirit of the Poor: The Big Rest }


Recently I’ve been considering the poverty of our discipleship. It all began when I stumbled over the word discipleship in my Twitter feed one afternoon. I recognized the word, of course. But what came to mind was how little I ever use it anymore, though I remain an ardent follower of Jesus.

This wasn’t always the case. In my youth discipleship functioned as load-bearing word in my vocabulary. This word held pride of place in youth group conversations and on into discussions in my college years. My bookshelf teemed with books on discipleship – how to be the best Christian I could be by various authors taking a variety of approaches. In my early years, it would be fair to say discipleship was a preoccupation of mine.

So how is it, all these years later that I stare at the word as a relic from my past instead of common currency?


Weeks later I recognized that my practice of Sabbath might be the holy culprit gradually undercutting my preoccupation with discipleship, as I’d come to know it. 


Today Esther Emery, curator of The Spirit of the Poor link up, is hosting me on her site. Click here to read the rest on sabbath + discipleship and… add your own reflections!

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