The Language of Enigma


Jesus said the Kingdom of God is like sourdough starter that a woman took and hid in 40-60 pounds of flour. The Greek word means encrypted. The woman hid a small batch of starter in copious amounts of flour, knowing full well the leaven would be revealed when the dough rose, as it was baked off and the loaves ready for distribution. This story hints at an intentional hiding and an equally intended revealing.

Read the full post over at SheLoves Magazine!

This post was written weeks ago, days before I left for the Simply Jesus Gathering where we’d all be sharing various parables of Jesus. But it strikes something deep and personal in me today, as it describes the women of Burundi who defied a no-protest order and took to the streets on Sunday, Mother’s Day, to march for peace. And rumor has it they are set to march again…

Sometimes women need to come out of hiding, as Idelette is fond of saying. They might be the sourdough starter hidden in Burundian neighborhoods, so commonplace you might miss their sheer strength and force. However you understand the parable, you ignore these women at your own peril. Ask Pharaoh…

Please keep praying for peace in Burundi. Please continue to pray for the women who, with subversive strength, seem to be on the rise.

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All writing on this site represents my own journey, my own wrestling, my own epiphanies. While I work with Communities of Hope, ideas shared here do not necessarily represent this organization.