Wake Up! to Jubilee

This week my friends at Red Letter Christians invited me to offer their Wake Up! morning devotions. These are designed to be quick reflections to start your day thinking and practicing the words of Scripture.

I decided to share all five reflections on the theme of Jubilee, an economic principle threaded through the Hebrew Bible and into the life and times of Jesus. Jubilee has infused our development efforts in Burundi for years and this is just the taste, just an introduction to the riches that inform our work.

MONDAY: Lev. 25:10, Jubilee as Strong Families

TUESDAY: Deut 15:13-14, Jubilee as Community

WEDNESDAY: Isaiah 61;1-2, Jubilee as Freedom

THURSDAY: Luke 4:21, Jubilee as Present Imperative

FRIDAY: Luke 18:22-23, Jubilee as Sacrifice


Thanks to Red Letter Christians for inviting me to contribute to Wake Up! You can subscribe to their daily devotions to HERE and hear from other friends each weekday morning.

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All content on this site is copyrighted by Kelley Nikondeha. Please do not copy work without permission. You are welcome to quote or reference my blog in your article, but please make sure you link back to the original post. Please do not post an article in full without permission, because that is a violation of intellectual property. (My African friends have a different sense of this, but being American, I can tell you it does matter to me!)

All writing on this site represents my own journey, my own wrestling, my own epiphanies. While I work with Communities of Hope, ideas shared here do not necessarily represent this organization.