I am a practical theologian shaped by education and experience, by rhetoric and theology, by the luminous beaches of the California coast and the vibrant rhythms of Burundian drummers.

Evangelical, charismatic and liturgical expressions of church all give contour to my thinking, though my deepest influence might be that of the Catholic Church, my point of theological origin. It is under the wing of my Mother Church that I first learned of the Spirit and tasted the Eucharist, word and sacrament embedded into the folds of my being early.


I earned a degree in Communication Studies at Westmont College and a Masters of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary. My education was formation, the launch of life-long learning.

My own theology has been meted out in the context of a bi-cultural marriage and, as a result, a bi-continental family life. Among East African leaders, South African thinkers and Muslim friends I’ve come to learn more about the Good News and dangerous ways of Jesus.

As co-founder of Amahoro Africa I was curator for the theological conversations among our African and Western friends. With the Biblical text and African context in view, we explored economics, environmental matters, racism and reconciliation among thinkers and practitioners.

At present I’m the co-director of Communities of Hope, a community development enterprise in Burundi. I shape the theological foundation of our work and push for deep congruence between our Biblical thinking and development practices. I’ve thought long and hard about jubilee economics, vulnerable people and what it takes to form viable communities.

I also serve as the theologian-in-residence for SheLoves Magazine, a global community of women committed to God’s imperatives of love and justice in the world. Among these women I explore the everyday intersections of theology and life one post at a time.


I am ecclesiastically promiscuous, shaped by the cross-pollination of cultures and places, and formed by a Scriptural education (the works of Walter Brueggemann a collaborating canon).

I’m a woman continually recalibrated by the liberation stories of Miriam and Moses, the intoxicating poetry of Isaiah and the provocative parables of Jesus. I’m insatiable when it comes to Sabbath and shalom, the rigors and release of jubilee and the radical inclusion of the New City – where there is room for every tongue, tribe and nation to gather at long last, weapons already melted into plowshares of peace and tools of generous provision for the family feast.

I am a practical theologian hungry for the New City.