#transitlounge update: twitter & link-up

Here’s a taste of the conversation on Twitter over the past set of days…

The diversity of Scripture and how God is revealed/acts should encourage our own individual diversity in the body. – Aaron@voluntaryaaron

If ‘there is no superficial unity to the bible’ then we should examine if we/churches operate on level of superficial unity.  – Aaron@voluntaryaaron


The bible doesn’t need our protection, doesn’t need to be proven true by modern science. – Lindsay Tweedle@lindsaytweedle


Interesting – EVs already believe that Scripture is enculturated to a point…i.e. “context” study, and yet… the “culture wars” depend on the belief that Xians are above the influence of culture. Very inconsistent.  – Charity Erickson@CharityJill

As a former comp teacher I appreciate how I&I presents reading/criticism strategies. @peteenns is teaching us EVs how to read!  — Charity Erickson@CharityJill


Starting 2 unravel the yrs of viewing Abraham through a  Western Christian lense. Heavy mysteries in Inspiration&Incarnation  –Wendy Beauvais@wendybeauvis


“We think that following Jesus is about knowing the right answer. But is faith a mathematical equation?” – Caris Adel@carisadel


And a portion of a thread contributed by Russell Almon@desperatetheo :

Enns incarnational analogy & emphasis on connectedness, situatedness, & encultured nature of Scripture well placed

But Enns main reason for incarnation seems to be understandable-ness, that God’s revelation should be understandable.

Was Jesus always ‘understandable’? What of the ‘surplus’ of incarnation/embodiment? What of triune communion/ication?

Scripture, as a mode of incarnation, is itself not merely instrumental/pragmatic…but sacramental participation.


Most often quoted OR quote most often commented on OR most often favorited:

“We must resist the notion that for God to enculturate himself is somehow beneath him.”

Loving how this book is exploding the idea that Jesus was the only incarnating God did – Jenny Flannagan@jennyflannagan

To which I added: so much incarnating to do!

Please keep reading and tweeting! Let us know about the connections, questions, comments as you encounter the ideas in this book. Remember to use #transitlounge so we can find one another!

Also… as of today the linking tool is up and open so that you can begin linking up your posts related to Inspiration & Incarnation. I know a few have already posted thoughts as they are reading. I imagine some of you have completed the read and feel ready to post some reflections. Here is your invitation to link up with us!

I hope that everyone with a blog will post a response on Thursday, February 28th and link up here so that we can share our gleanings and continue the conversation as we complete both the book and the month!

Thanks for the collaborative reading. What fun to know others are reading, too! Hope you’re enjoying the book and conversation as well.

>Transit Reading

Oh… Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone reading in the #transtilounge!

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3 thoughts on “#transitlounge update: twitter & link-up”

  1. Janet
     ·  Reply

    I guess this is why I am not on Twitter or Facebook. I do not get it.
    Have a beautiful evening!

    • kelleynikondeha
       ·  Reply

      well, it is like learning shorthand or a new language! But I’m amazed people can pack so much into the 140 character limit!

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All writing on this site represents my own journey, my own wrestling, my own epiphanies. While I work with Communities of Hope, ideas shared here do not necessarily represent this organization.