SEE (Five Minute Friday)


Women of Matara by TIna Francis

Women of Matara by TIna Francis

A five minute free write, unedited, done in conjunction with Lisa-Jo Baker. The prompt: SEE. (And yes, I’m a day late. Some Fridays are like that, right?)

When I see transformation of soil and souls it makes me hunger for more.

The sight of calloused hands and glowing smiles reminds me this is possible and not only here in Matara but in so many theres. Because seeing it happen becomes a catalyst in believing transformation can keep happening in communities across The Great Continent.

Deep change isn’t so illusive or impossible. I’ve seen it happen with my own astigmatism-ridden eyes. I’ve also witnessed the accompanying agonies – coming empty, coming afraid to hope, coming with plastic sacks not even full to try and begin again. To begin something you’ve never before seen – almost sure you’ll fail and move on soon.

But I’ve seen people try it anyways – plowing fields and filling them one seed at a time, building huts low to the ground where their high hopes sleep at night. I’ve watched them make roads in red hard dirt that someday their neighbors will walk on with them. I’ve seen them battle bouts of malaria, find a spring of clean water for drinking and even get cows along with the first taste of warm milk.

And slowly, season by season, a vibrant community grows from the soil. Nothing is empty anymore. Abundance clothes their fields. Children live past five and attend school and achieve hight marks. No one digs tiny graves anymore in Matara. People find their full height in the larger mountainous community; they offer their wisdom, diligence, friendship and hospitality.

Once you’ve seen this you know transformation is possible anywhere. And when you’ve seen it you can’t unsee, you can’t unknown. Transformation is unstoppable for those who’ve tasted and seen God’s goodness to this community of Matara.

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7 thoughts on “SEE (Five Minute Friday)”

  1. Sherry Naron
     ·  Reply

    Matara helped me see it can be done – love this community and love you and Claude’s heart for transformation 🙂 I’ve learned so much from you!

  2. Martha Womac
     ·  Reply

    Kelley, only my sweet friend can write so beautifully in 5 minutes. ! You said the truth in once you experience this you can never go back ! Love you ‘

  3. Hilary Murdoch
     ·  Reply

    That’s beautiful Kelley, thank you for sharing. Brought back wonderful memories. Thank you for your kindness and open heartedness in allowing me in, to experience this too. x

    • Kelley Nikondeha
       ·  Reply

      I remember being there together… glad you were with us!

  4. Idelette
     ·  Reply

    Amen-dla! 🙂 (creating my own word here: amen + amandla!)

    That very picture of the women working in their lot of land is strengthening me as we enter into a season of empowerment on sheloves. It’s what I think of when I share one of our goals. I have seen and I am so inspired by Matara. Their empowerment is oil for me, for the picture I see and hope for us.

    Glad you hit publish. I might join you next Friday.

  5. Jen @ Growing in Faith
     ·  Reply

    What a beautiful post….reminds me of some of the work I did in South Africa the past few years. Isn’t it amazing to see that transformation in person?

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All writing on this site represents my own journey, my own wrestling, my own epiphanies. While I work with Communities of Hope, ideas shared here do not necessarily represent this organization.